Proud India or Sheer arrogance ?
After reading the comments on the times of India article ( ) about refusal to accept foreign help for Tsunami, question comes into mind if this is the right step or just arrogance.
I am not sure at what level government is refusing the aid, is it just aid from other govt and/or from the charitable organizations like Red Cross ( which I believe is more foreign aid even though they have operation all over the world )? What is the point here? Is there something like, enough aid for a disaster like this. Can we quantify the requirement for the needed? I don't think so... do you?
I am hearing stories that needy survivors are still not getting critical supplies in India. Also SUN TV ( South Indian TV ) reported that there are cases where in private organizations ( not foreign )are not getting access into the devastated sites so that they can help. There was one story where in a survived infant died because it did not got food/attention.
I am not saying that external aid can necessarily solve all the problem or doubt about the competitiveness of our wonderful state or federal govt. But the point is that it sounds ridiculous to consider not accepting aid as a way to show we are stronger or test a nuke. I call it unncessary arrogance.